Sunday, 20 October 2024

90 days to Sangama 2025

Countdown to Sangama 2025

Dear Sanga,  

The countdown has started! We have 90 days left for the grand get-together: Sangama 2025 (Jan 16-19). It was refreshing to visit Delhi-NCR and Hyderabad and meet our loving Sangha. I truly believe Sangama will be a coming together where "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts".

Whatever your aspiration in the path of yoga, now is the time to build the bridge collectively in that direction.

Please register if you haven't already. If you have registered, do complete the payment process so accommodations can be firmed.

We want you to write for the souvenir, make videos of your work (individual, small teams, whole cohort), practice chanting, plan for the cultural programs, prepare to teach in small teams and much more. Please get in touch with Namrata to help us out, to expand the impact of our work reaching the larger world exponentially.

I look forward to seeing you in Chennai in 90 days!

With Love, 


A quick capture of Sanga meetings held in Delhi and Hyderabad

On October 5, 2025, Saras visited the NCR Delhi Sangha, a gathering of over 30 dedicated teachers from YogaVahini. This meeting, Saras's first in Delhi in over five years, was a cherished occasion for the group, which meets monthly to nurture their teaching journeys. The day was filled with chanting and a deep exploration of the Siksavalli, reflecting on the dynamic between teacher (acarya) and student (antevasan).

Participants engaged in thoughtful discussions about balancing these roles amidst life's complexities, recognizing the vital importance of both in their practice. Sharing in small groups fostered a sense of unity, leaving everyone with a renewed spirit and a longing for more such gatherings.

On October 15th, the Sangha in Hyderabad came together for a heartfelt day of learning and connection, guided by the wisdom of Saraswathi Vasudevan. The atmosphere was filled with warmth as yoga teachers and therapists explored the Siksavalli from the Taittiriya Upanisad, contemplating the profound truth that "what you say and what you eat is who you are."

For many, this gathering marked a long-awaited reunion after COVID, as 18-20 members, including some of Saraswathi's earliest students, came together in a spirit of camaraderie.

As they chanted anuvakas, the group immersed themselves in discussions that drew from various commentaries, particularly the cherished notes from Saras's own learnings. A reflective group activity prompted them to consider their communication skills through the lens of the six rules of chanting. Participants shared their struggles and insights about speech and listening, leading to a deeper understanding and importance of communication.

The day was enriched by a sense of community, culminating in a joyful potluck that left everyone feeling connected and eager for future gatherings.

The big event — just 90 days to go

As the Sangha prepares for the upcoming Sangama event, contributions are welcomed from participants. There are also opportunities for corporate sponsorship, inviting support for this enriching journey. Details can be found in the attached brochure, as the Sangha looks forward to nurturing their collective growth together.

We request your assistance in the below ways:

  • We request you to confirm your registration and make a contribution for Sangama.

    Minimum suggested contribution for Indian nationals is Rs.15,000

    Current Account, Account No. 50200025838562
    HDFC Bank, Alwarpet, Chennai
    IFSC – HDFC0001939 

    for NRIs and international participants: USD 300.

  • Sponsorship for the event:

    We are also looking for sponsorship from corporate houses and/or other institutions who might want to support our work and the event. Please find attached a brochure capturing the relevant details. If you know individuals or organisations who can support, do let us know and we can discuss the possibilities.

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