Dear Sanga, It is summer time here, the heat and exhaustion demands we slow down, conserve energy, keep our days light and spend more time with famil
Dear Sanga, It is summer time here, the heat and exhaustion demands we slow down, conserve energy, keep our days light and spend more time with family and friends! Food and practices have to be light, more cooling pranayama, building resilience to extremes by learning to watch how the mind is reacting, hopefully from a deeper, quieter space! Last month we participated in the Yoga Festival at the Manapakkam Heartfulness centre. On behalf of YogaVahini, Uttara participated in a Round Table Discussion followed by a free therapy camp where our team offered yoga consultation and classes to 27 people. We hope to continue with such camps in the future to help people experience and understand the healing power of yoga. We strongly believe that for most of our health concerns, yoga and appropriate food and lifestyle modification can become the first line of treatment! | We have reached the last leg of the 12-week free Yoga Sadhana Program hosted by the Heartfulness Foundation as part of their Yoga for Unity initiative, to unite yoga institutions to preserve and promote philosophies and practices of yoga. We have 1245 registrants from over 65 countries. But don't ask me how many actually attended the sessions live ;)! Nevertheless, we thoroughly enjoy this journey! Like a few participants shared, it felt like an oasis of quietness that enabled meaningful engagement amidst all the busyness of life! Our next 8-week Yoga Sadhana program starts in July. Please sign up for a refresher and maybe you have friends, family members who can benefit from this special program, my all-time favourite! This course is suitable for anyone: fresher or a seasoned practitioner, teacher or therapist. It is essentially coming back to Atha Yoga Anusasanam! In June we are beginning a year long, 200-hour Yoga Instructor Training that includes in-person retreats and on-line training. We are also offering these retreats as stand-alone courses to help teachers, therapists to refresh and deepen your learning, if there has been a long gap and you would like to get back on track with your practice and teaching. The monthly Pranayama session with Yoga Therapy Australia falls on the last Saturday of each month. Looking forward to seeing you there! With love, Saraswathi | After three years of training offered predominantly online, we are now moving to in-person training retreats! Our next Yoga Instructor Training Program (200+ hours) will be a hybrid model with 4 intensive in-person retreats (one Friday-Sunday in June, August, November 2023 and February 2024) combined with online sessions, mentoring and practicum. We are hoping to bring together sincere seekers who are committed to personal growth and transformation and a desire to teach yoga. This program is designed with a focus on those who are coaches and facilitators. Graduates and teachers of previous Acharya programs can also attend the retreats, all or individually, to refresh their knowledge on the topics offered. If this excites you, please register your interest: | Registrations are open for the next batch of Yoga Sadhana Yoga Sadhana is a very special space where we explore what it means to practice yoga in everyday life. It helps us identify and change habit patterns that are not serving us well through regular practice and active self-inquiry. For those who aspire to become a teacher/therapist, Yoga Sadhana helps us understand our readiness for a more serious level of training. Many senior teachers and therapists continue to come back to this course to refresh and reaffirm their commitment to practice, study and self-inquiry through these gentle 8 weekend sessions. To benefit the most from this exploration, you will need to have a regular personal yoga practice. If you are new to YogaVahini and this tradition of yoga, please register NOW so we can start you off with your personal practice with a mentor. For more information & registration, click here: | The practice of Pranayama requires us to hold a great deal of curiosity and reverence for the breath which is the gateway to the more subtle energy called Prana that governs all life processes! This year-long series, offered on the last Saturday of each month, is designed to help you take up a regular pranayama practice and progressively deepen it, drawing references and inspiration from the classical yoga texts. Please note that this is not just an information sharing space, you will truly benefit if you are able to make time to do regular, systematic practice as we progress month after month. For more information & registration, click here (for May Session): | For Indian students living in India, please register here (for May Session): | YogaVahini is a vibrant and growing community of Yoga practitioners, students, teachers, and therapists. We strive to provide an environment such that our personal learning flows into daily life seamlessly, manifesting as coherent and harmonised action. You are receiving this email because you were a part of our past programs or made an enquiry with us. To continue to receive future newsletters please unmark this email as promotion and move it to your primary inbox Read our privacy policy here, to unsubscribe click on the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the email. | | | |
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