Dear Sanga,
Another year has passed by… 2022 has been a year of transitioning and learning from a very challenging period in life. For many of us part of the YogaVahini community, there has been a lot of rich learning from many teachers. Even a glimpse of the treasures and possibilities that lie within have helped anchor ourselves and reinforce the commitment to the path. However, it has been far from easy because the distractions, fears and insecurities have become multifold in the last couple of years... and to hold one's ground, not giving up or falling back into old patterns, one needs practice, continuous, uninterrupted practice…
sa tu dīrghakāla nairantarya satkāra ādarā āsevito dṛḍhabhūmiḥ (YS 1.14)
For the coming year, I would simply like to focus on the qualities of practice and how to build a stable ground - Drdha Bhumi.
Just a few guidelines that can help with this:
Start focusing on your intake, build healthy set of habits that would help you digest better, gain on energy levels and sleep, less aches and pains in the body, feel lighter and a positive disposition of the mind. Rope in a partner or friend so that you mutually support each other. Doing this as a whole family, is even better!
Within weeks, we can see how good food procured, cooked and consumed mindfully not only changes our blood chemistry and physical wellbeing, it transforms our state of mind. We will experience better energy levels, lightness and the ability to enjoy simple joys of life. Food cravings will come down and the mind will naturally gravitate towards what is healthy for us that we will enjoy consuming in moderation.
Have a balanced routine I learnt recently that having the waking up time consistent will help build a better circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. Through the day, having short or long breaks from "DOING" to simply enjoying the present moment is deeply nourishing. Even 2-3 minutes of such breaks - between one engagement and another, can make our days feel expansive! The best way to start and end your day is with a few conscious breaths in deep silence, awakening each part of our body, your senses and mind gently and joyfully, connecting to the larger world and all living beings, sending a silent prayer for people who need healing is a great way to awaken Maitri and Karuna bhavana towards ourselves and the world around us.
Connect with your Sanga Reading and reflecting, having meaningful conversations, journaling and discussing our practice, especially the challenges we face, the questions we have, the insights we gather, can be great boosters to our practice! Being part of a practising Sanga AND working with a teacher on a regular basis is indeed the lifeline of our abhyasa! The Sanga reminds us everyday that I am not alone in this path even though I have to walk the path by myself! Nurturing Maitri, Karuna, Mudita and Upeksa in the context of our relationship with the Sanga helps cleanse our whole being of all impurities that spring from self-centered intentions and actions. The mind then begins to embrace more of reality and develops the clarity to act in ways that promote peace and wellbeing.
Seek and ye shall find Having a good teacher who is walking the path, a little ahead of us is a blessing one can seek with all earnestness and find! Having a neutral eye to look at our practice, how I move, how I breathe, what is missing, what are the patterns that are helpful/not helpful, can help us progress in leaps and bounds! And yes, this means we need a teacher with whom we have a relationship of mutual trust and goodwill, every line of Sahana vavatu... matters!
Move and eat with awareness and loving attention to the body
Enjoy breathing in and breathing out with stillness and silence in-between
Make meaningful connections, receive and offer with dignity and respect
Live deeply with wonderment and curiosity on the interconnected nature of our existence
Seek to understand and accept 'what is' so we have the strength to respond appropriately to changing life situations
So, here is wishing you and your family a beautiful, bountiful year ahead. Let love and peace reign.
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