Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Upcoming Programs May - June 2022

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Upcoming Programs 1

Dear Sanga,

Hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer (and winter for the southern hemisphere) break. Luckily, this time, we have been having some good showers down here in the South. Sundar and I have moved to our new home in the village and enjoy spending this time close to nature.

YogaVahini Chennai centre needs a new home now, we are looking for a suitable space close to where we are (Kottivakkam, ECR) to relocate.

With so many changes happening on many fronts, we continue to navigate our path thoughtfully, to stay true to the meaning and purpose of yoga: making it an integral part of our daily life, relevant to the changing times and building inner capacity to meet the challenges of life while staying rooted in the essence of Yoga!

Apart from Yoga Sadhana (Level 1), Yoga Acharya (Level 2) and Yoga Vaidya (Level 3) Programs, we continue to offer many valuable study opportunities for a curious and serious seeker.

We continue to offer online group classes, Yoga Practice for Women and Yoga Practice for Beginners. In-person group and 1-1 classes also continue at the Kottivakkam centre in Chennai.

Please have a look at our upcoming programs and courses and see if they interest you. Do share with people who may also benefit from these offerings.

With love and best wishes,

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May 28, 2022

YS 2022

In our 2022 series, we have been exploring how to weaken habitual obstacles and strengthen our aspiration for living higher potentials. The 4 weeks after each session offer an opportunity for deepening and sustaining our practice so that we can have a greater insight into the nature of these obstacles and the power of our aspirations.

This month we will be dealing with Styana (mental inertia), its many faces, how to recognise Styana, understand and deal with this heavy obstacle!


For Indian students living in India, please register here:


May 29, 2022

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Yoga of Relationships
International Summit in the Tradition of T Krishnamacharya
May 28 & 29, 2022, Online event organised by Yoga Dhara, Spain.

On May 29th (1.30 - 3.30 PM IST), I am presenting a session on Yoga of Relationships in the online summit honouring the tradition of Sri T Krishnamacharya.

Sri TKV Desikachar defined Yoga as a relationship. A relationship that brings wellbeing and peace. This is a very important message especially in today's context where we are searching for meaning in the way we live our life and relate to people and the world around us.

Through this 2-hour session, we will explore the lesser known practices of yoga that can truly make a difference to our daily living, build bridges of understanding and harmony that are enduring and life-transforming.


May 29, 2022

Yoga of Desikachar

Dialogue Series

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This month we bring Mrs. Mala Srivatsan, a student of Sri T Krishnamacharya and Sri TKV Desikachar, who was also the Managing Trustee of KYM for many years. Mala was my mentor in my Diploma course, someone who I admire greatly for her deep commitment and dedication in everything she takes up.

The Yoga of Desikachar dialogue sessions have been so very special with a wealth of lived experience shared with such humility and generosity! Sometimes it is just a word or a phrase that carries the power to make a very deep impact within, reminding, inspiring us on this path. Please do not miss the live sessions, recording is only a back-up plan!


Yoga4unity: Round Table Discussion

Yoga for children

Who is a Yogi Roundtable link: https://youtu.be/G8rbFMgZe9U

We are very happy to be associated with the Heartfulness Foundation (Sri Ramachandra Mission) offering a series of programs as part of their 100 day yoga4unity initiative that culminates with the International Yoga Day on June 21st. This initiative offers all programs for free and reaches millions of people, even in remote parts of the world!

As part of the yoga4Unity program, Savithri and Radhika offered a series on Yoga Practice for Seniors, Jyothi, a session on Yoga for children, I did a master class on Breath Awareness, a podcast for Caregivers and an interesting Roundtable discussion on "Who is a Yogi'' with Sriram and Gary Craftsow.

You can access these programs and more by registering with https://www.yoga4unity.com/. All these and more are available on their YouTube channel www.youtube.com/Yoga4unity.


June 2022

Study of Nathamuni s Yoga Rahasya The secrets of Yoga with Eniko Pianovszky

We are offering an introductory study session on an important yoga text, Yoga Rahasya given to us by Sr T Krishnamacharya, attributed to the 9th Century Yogi, Nathamuni. If you are a teacher or therapist, this will be an interesting and experiential way of engaging with the text that brings together many key principles of practice in this tradition.

This study program is being offered by Eniko Pianovszky, who is a therapist, mentor and faculty member for YogaVahini, living in France. Deeply passionate about study, chanting, therapy and research, Eniko strives to offer her best in everything she does!


Online Group Classes

As a teacher when I see a student learning to exhale better or inhale in a very quiet relaxed way stay in a posture with a little more comfort and stability than before it is so joyful - like watching your child

This programme is designed for people who are just entering or reentering the space of yoga.

A student shares:

"Even though I am not a total beginner in this style of yoga, I am finding the instruction and guided practice beneficial; gaining clarity and depth."

If you are seeking to learn yoga the traditional way: discovering your relationship with your body, breath and mind through simple progressive Asana, Pranayama and Meditative practices, this is the course for you! This course is designed to help you experience yoga in the simplest form and progress at a comfortable pace. It will enable you to deepen your self-awareness and learn how to move towards wellness at physical, mental and emotional levels.

Yoga for children 1

We have been receiving very good feedback on our group classes for women.

"I am literally at the Dawn of my practice in general, with some diffused light emerging from the horizon." one of our students writes:

"Here I am, finally on my mat every morning at 6 am. It has been very beautiful so far, and I'm seeing progress with each week. I don't want to say anything more too soon. I hope and pray that this stays and grows."

Join and encourage the important women in your life to join and experience the special power of yoga!

Tirumandiram 2

The first four sutras of both Yoga Sutra and Brahma Sutra are said to contain the quintessence of the entire Yoga and Vedanta philosophies respectively, Both these Vaidic Darsanas or philosophies have much in common and yet are different. This study session is an attempt to help yoga students get introduced to Vedanta philosophy and a brief comparison between Yoga and Vedanta philosophies through the 4 sutras each of Yoga Sutra and Brahma (Vedanta) Sutra.

Srivatsa Ramaswami is the longest standing student of Sri T Krishnamacharya outside his family who continues to inspire students across the world with his rich repertoire of teaching across many subjects relating to Yoga and Vedanta.

For more information and registration


July 2022

Tirumandiram 2

We are now ready to take registrations for this course:

There is more to our practice of Astanga yoga than meets the eye. As suggested by Sankhya and Yoga Sutra, we need to go beyond the gross into the subtle dimensions of practice and experience. A few of us have been studying verses on Pranayama from Tirumoolar's Tirumandiram, an ancient Tamil text, with Mrs. Lakshmi Ranganathan. This text offers extraordinary insights into the subtle aspects of practice. Lakshmi ma'am has been working with Tirumandiram for many years and is happy to share her understanding and insights from this text to strengthen our own practice in the direction of better well-being, clarity, equanimity and more…

The course starts on July 19th 2021 for 12 weeks. We are continuing with the weekly chanting sessions to familiarise with the verses and the group that is coming together each week is doing so well! Please join, this is a free session for anyone wanting to learn to chant the Turumandiram verses.

For more information & registration, click here:


YogaVahini is a vibrant and growing community of Yoga practitioners, students, teachers, and therapists. We strive to provide an environment such that our personal learning flows into daily life seamlessly, manifesting as coherent and harmonised action.

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