Monday, 1 January 2024

Upcoming Programs January - February 2024

YV LOGO hi-res
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Dear Sanga,

Like the rivers flowing in different paths but towards one ocean, there is only one destination for humanity. That is, to discover the truth of our existence and that everything, every being in this universe is deeply interconnected, interdependent.

To reach this goal, Sage Patanjali says it is necessary to cleanse oneself (Tapas), study and self-reflect (Svadhyaya) and cultivate the attitude of surrender (Isvara Pranidhana), knowing that we are not in control of anything. Easier said than done, but we can always commit to begin this journey, yet again with renewed energy and perseverance: Atha Yoga Anusasanam!

In the New Year, we bring you some immersive experiences through in-person study retreats and workshops while holding the online space active and vibrant! It doesn't matter where you live, you can connect, study, and work with us. As our community expands, we are hoping the essence of yoga can touch more and more people in this world.

Please take a few minutes to look at our offerings for January and February 2024. The registration is still open for the in-person Yoga Sadhana in Bengaluru and the 2-week module of the Yoga Instructor Training Program in Chennai. This can be the starting point for your teacher training, in preparation to become a Vaidya as well as a refresher course for teachers and therapists seeking to reconnect and deepen your learning and teaching practice.

Wishing you a joyful, peaceful new year ahead...



Yoga Sadhana 2024

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Yoga Sadhana is an invitation to turn inward, get in touch with the intelligence within each of us, and to find answers that are deeply and personally meaningful. This in-person program will help you understand the power of yoga, engage with a vibrant Sanga, and take home rich learnings to apply in your daily living.


Yoga Instructor Training Program 2024-25

YITP 2024-25

YogaVahini is offering the Yoga Instructor Training Program for yoga aspirants wanting to learn yoga as a path to personal well-being and helping others. It calls for a strong desire to help oneself and others towards health, happiness, and harmony.

The course begins with an in-person retreat over two weeks in Chennai and then continues online for a year.


Yoga Therapy for Common Ailments

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In collaboration with the Heartfulness Foundation, YogaVahini Foundation is offering a specialised 3-month therapy course at SRCM Manapakkam Ashram, Chennai.

If you have been struggling with common ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, neck, back pain, or other conditions and are willing to develop and sustain the habit of daily yoga practice to address these issues, this course is for you.


Online Masterclass Series with Shri Shubha

Elevate your practice

YogaVahini brings to you a special masterclass series with Shri Shubha, the youngest daughter of Sri T Krishnamacharya. She learned yoga from her father for over 20 years and received special training in teaching yoga to pregnant women and children.


Tirumandiram Retreat

Journey of Prana - Tirumandiram 1080 x 1350 px

The workshop will explore select mandirams (verses) on Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyanam and few more mandirams that will take our practice to a deeper, subtler level as we journey with the Prana towards clarity and inner silence, which is Yoga.


Ayurveda (Level 1) 2024

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We are happy to offer this course with Dr. Padmini Ranganathan for the third year in a row! It is for anyone who wants to learn the basics of ayurveda and integrate the learnings into their daily life for better health and wellbeing.


Holistic and Integrated Nutrition Training 2024

Nutrition Training 02

Over four months, Sandhya Gowtham, a trained nutritionist, will take you through the basics of nutrition, principles of Ayurveda, deficiencies and their impact on health, milk and wheat allergies, and therapeutic diets with case studies.


Meditative Practices and Yogic Insights from the Bhagavad Gita

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You are invited to join Yoga Therapy Australia and Saraswathi Vasudevan for this four-session series, as we draw inspiration from the Bhagavad Gita. Saraswathi will lead us into an exploration of meditative and yogic practices from this ancient text — a journey worthwhile by itself but also one that could offer insights into the very purpose of our life.


Yoga Abhyasa

yoga abhyasa

Yoga Abhyasa will help you make time for a daily yoga practice, despite the pressures of everyday life. Learning from an experienced teacher and practising with a like-minded group will inspire you to come back to the mat again and again.


YogaVahini is a vibrant and growing community of Yoga practitioners, students, teachers, and therapists. We strive to provide an environment such that our personal learning flows into daily life seamlessly, manifesting as coherent and harmonised action.

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