Dear Sanga,
Like the rivers flowing in different paths but towards one ocean, there is only one destination for humanity. That is, to discover the truth of our existence and that everything, every being in this universe is deeply interconnected, interdependent.
To reach this goal, Sage Patanjali says it is necessary to cleanse oneself (Tapas), study and self-reflect (Svadhyaya) and cultivate the attitude of surrender (Isvara Pranidhana), knowing that we are not in control of anything. Easier said than done, but we can always commit to begin this journey, yet again with renewed energy and perseverance: Atha Yoga Anusasanam!
In the New Year, we bring you some immersive experiences through in-person study retreats and workshops while holding the online space active and vibrant! It doesn't matter where you live, you can connect, study, and work with us. As our community expands, we are hoping the essence of yoga can touch more and more people in this world.
Please take a few minutes to look at our offerings for January and February 2024. The registration is still open for the in-person Yoga Sadhana in Bengaluru and the 2-week module of the Yoga Instructor Training Program in Chennai. This can be the starting point for your teacher training, in preparation to become a Vaidya as well as a refresher course for teachers and therapists seeking to reconnect and deepen your learning and teaching practice.
Wishing you a joyful, peaceful new year ahead...