Friday, 27 October 2023

Upcoming Programs November 2023 - January 2024

YV LOGO hi-res
Upcoming Programs 2

It's the beginning of the festive season – the time we all look forward to! In this part of South India, we are experiencing a hint of the second monsoon. The air is cooling down slowly, time for celebrations!

Post-COVID, something drastically changed about how we connect with each other, even the way we celebrate festivals. Maybe it is time we consciously make efforts to meet people in person, laugh together and hug each other.

In this spirit, we begin the next year with two in-person retreats: Yoga Sadhana and the beginning of our 200-hour Yoga Instructor Training Program! We hope to forge strong relationships with our students and learn and share together with them.

For, what is Yoga, but a relationship, as defined by our teacher Desikachar. The nature of any relationship, whether it is with our own body, the person next to us, or the world at large is defined simply by the Pranic exchange.

With Yoga Sadhana, our teacher training program, and the many other classes and workshops we offer, let's start observing the deeper, subtler aspects of our experience and engagement with the world, so that we can sense the actual Pranic exchange.

Stay inspired and come back to your practice, learning, and self-inquiry day after day with renewed enthusiasm and rigour!



Yoga Sadhana 2024

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Yoga Sadhana is an invitation to turn inward, get in touch with the intelligence within each of us, and to find answers that are deeply and personally meaningful. This in-person program will help you understand the power of yoga, engage with a vibrant Sanga, and take home rich learnings to apply in your daily living.


Yoga Instructor Training Program 2024-25

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YogaVahini is offering the Yoga Instructor Training Program for yoga aspirants wanting to learn yoga as a path to personal well-being and helping others. It calls for a strong desire to help oneself and others towards health, happiness, and harmony.

The course begins with an in-person retreat over two weeks in Bengaluru and then continues online for a year.

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If you are a yoga teacher in the Krishnamacharya tradition and wish to continue your learning, join us for the upcoming November retreat. We will explore how Antaranga (internal) practices can help in deeper healing and engagement.

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Pregnancy can be joyful and exciting or anxious and bring discomforting changes in the body. In the upcoming workshop, we will guide yoga teachers and therapists in handholding the expectant mother through these changes, prepare her for a healthy childbirth, and regain her strength thereafter.

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Yoga Abhyasa will help you make time for a daily yoga practice, despite the pressures of everyday life.
Learning from an experienced teacher and practising with a like-minded group will inspire you to come back to the mat again and again.


YogaVahini is a vibrant and growing community of Yoga practitioners, students, teachers, and therapists. We strive to provide an environment such that our personal learning flows into daily life seamlessly, manifesting as coherent and harmonised action.

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